Ben and Cannabis for PTSD

Ben served in Iraq. His time in Fallujah etched itself permanently into his consciousness.
Like so many Veterans, Ben is still at war… though now, the fray rages largely in his mind and his dreams.

Post traumatic stress is not a “syndrome”. It is an injury…

When physical and/or mental trauma exceeds one’s tolerance, a wound is suffered. That wound more than likely will go untreated, because its unseen by most, and, more often than not, misunderstood by the one afflicted.

Cannabis has proven itself to be therapeutically essential to so many afflicted with Post Traumatic Stress.

Cannabis is nontoxic. Cannabis is food. Cannabis is the single most important medicine of the 21st century.
– Mark Pedersen

New Hemp Law In MO


Missouri is got a new law to address Cannabis “Hemp” and its use in Missouri. Making it the 40th state to take on some “Hemp” in Agriculture laws.

New Hemp law:

  • Does not require hemp growers to use certified seeds.
  • Allows the Missouri Crop Improvement Association to “collect seeds from wild cannabis plants,” first-of-its-kind language in a state law to account for so-called “ditch weed” already growing throughout Missouri.
  • Allows farmers to import seeds from other states or countries if they wish.
  • Limits THC content to 0.3%.
  • Requires hemp growers to devote 10-40 acres to hemp if total statewide hemp acreage exceeds 2,000.
  • Hemp can’t be considered an “adulterant” when added to food.
  • Requires state agriculture regulators to “explore the option of transporting samples from Missouri to contiguous states” for the purpose of testing for pesticides.
  • Allows unlicensed hemp growers to keep their plants if they pay a $500 fine and apply for a hemp license within 30 days.