Amendment 3 to make Marijuana Recreational is on the ballot. Sadly many will see it as a great thing and “Making Cannabis legal” it does NOT do such a thing. It really just shuffles prohibition around so adults can “legally” carry more. No protections if you get up and drive the next day or month! The THC will still be in your blood when you get in an accident, and it will go towards you – even if not your fault. No considerations of that are taken in.
This regulation really only goes to assist in the moving the Cannabis profits to a system they can try and regulate.
Expunging past offenses get us NO WHERE as it only moves your offenses to a system “physically and electronically segregated“!
Costs on cannabis go up, taxed to add 6% more and another 3% if the locality it’s in wants in too.
Punishment for having this SAFE plant get added – it is safe as FOOD, in fact, is a superfood! Even though maybe medical necessary and is safe penalties get ADDED! – “Purposefully possessing amounts in excess of twice the legal limit shall be punishable by imprisonment of up to one year and a fine of up to two thousand dollars as an infraction under applicable law.”
Another makes a fine for making concentrate in your home! What if this is medically needed? You’ll have to not DIY and take it commercial instead! “$1000 FINE FOR PRODUCING CONCENTRATES IN YOUR HOME“
This isn’t real legalization, its a total shift for the dispensary business and NOT in favor of the cannabis consumer. A Fellow advocate breaks it down much better detail and links to the details of the law he made for the state. We need to free cannabis, restore it back to the time before 1937 when it was a free commodity.