Tag Archives: Raman spectrometer

Chemistry World: Handheld device weeds out cannabis from hemp | Research

Chemistry World: Handheld device weeds out cannabis from hemp | Research.

HempMyLife comments:

I know from efforts in my community that Cannabis can be checked with a Spectrometer. It appears now we’ve got a hand held portable
Raman spectrometer that can check your Cannabis for THC now. It used to be a big machine that could do it in a lab. Now you can bring it with you!

I think this is a good thing for the part that we’ve had so many people trying to move cannabis CBD/Hemp products and getting nailed and detained as they can’t figure out it’s not ‘Marijuana’ (0.03< THC really only difference). They are both a superfood and amazing for you. If the feds will allow the ‘Hemp’ variety the be used while we’re sorting the medical laws we should be able to access it. Hopefully this helps that plight.