Cannabis and Christianity -WEEDIQUETTE – God on High – VICE

An older clip, but for sure shows some silly Harassment from Christians for involving cannabis and bible study! Why?!? Cannabis is in the bible, this rejection has scares people off – often I find it also a hard thing for Christians to swallow, why?!? would you reject your ‘stoner’ friends and family? In the most you’d see it as a “sin” (which I disagree with and feel is provable) and they would need help, not rejection. Gets me… Stoners, Weed Smokers, God Loves you. Non “Users” – should study the great wisdom God has given us with cannabis – primarily in Israel! It’s in the Holy anointing oil and burned in the 🕊 Holy of Holies… What are you trying to call evil? Looks like God made all Herb GOOD for the use of mankind!

Is the world ‘Marijuana’ racist?

I read today a take from Leafy discussing the use of the word “Marijuana” and does it end up being racist to use?

I was glad to see this article and their perspective. I often run into this and prefer to not use “Marijuana” often if I can help it. I tend to less see it as racist, but a jab to fog up the meaning of the word and give a negative spun perspective. As mentioned in the article, many under 20 or so know and use the word, while those 50 and older would prefer to avoid the word.

I prefer to use the words Cannabis or Hemp as they are the same plant and important to our history and health. Prior to 1937 Cannabis and Indian Hemp we’re the terms used for Cannabis in a Medicinal form!

Infact the other day I picked up a Stedman’s Shorter Medical Dictionary and found it listed there:
(It also lists it’s in the U.S.P which is the United States Pharmacopeia (official medicine sourcebook)

Anyways, enough on my tangent. It’s just important to me that Marijuana has been a word to confuse as those who used medicine knew what cannabis was. We now today pretend it’s a cousin. If you want to learn the history of cannabis I recommend reading Emperor Wears no Clothes by Jack Herer and as well to see the history of cannabis.

Well check the link below for Leafly’s input –

Read the article on Leafly: