How Israel and the U.S. Compare on Marijuana Research

Israel was the one who discovered THC and how it reacts with your body. They have been only using it for the last 6,000 years as they Scythans were first to use it and trade with Isreal.  It was the great fragrant cane in which King Solomon traded with the Queen of Sheba. 

Follow the link below fore more info.

Finding hemp rope… – Why we need to HempMyLife! 

You’d think that it would be simple find some old world hemp rope around. 

Looking for the old wold Seaman/Navy rope we find documents how it was one for the 4 best ropes (Google Books). No kidding. This is what I was looking for. Have for awhile

I sometimes think my searching is just terrible. As I did find Hemp basics has some 1″ Hemp rope.
They also have some other pretty nifty hemp supplies. As I think I’ve also found the webbing I need to fix my lawn chair.

Merry Christmas 

( – From  Gloucestershire police) 

Gloucestershire police in England found a Cannabis Tree decorated out for the season!  Sadly they busted it though. Cannabis can’t harm anyone. 


Hemping the Life… 

(Not quite related but is Yeshua with his Cannabis) 

I am ready for the return of Cannabis. To be honest I am a spiritual man. The Almighty Creator of Mankind told me of Cannabis way before I even consumed a breath of its smoke or ate of its Cannaboids. 

Generally it goes as:

“There is a plant that heals, that provides, that shelters, that feeds, a plant I’ve given you that releives you from pains of your sins… “ I’m told by The Holy Spirit at Church. 

“G-d, if this is true people against you would be against it… It would be illegal” I  replied back in concern… 

“It is… “ Was the Almighty’s reply. 

I later discovered Cannabis, he made me aware that it is in which he referred. 

“Lord G-d, if this is true please show me the those faithful and know such…” 

I’d then do just so. I’d meet CraigX Rubin (Weeds/American Drug War) joint his Temple 420 and learn how Cannabis is actually legal for his people. I’d also go on to meet other Cannabis Ministers of Various faiths as I asked. 

I’ve got to ramp this up. I’ve been behind it but slow ramping this site up.  Partially I don’t want to be too deep on the religion and ‘offend and chase’  people away.   So I keep more my religious info on my other blog. Though I’m going to bring more here. G-d provides! He provided Yeshua for Salvation and Cannabis as sacrament to help us face sin and regulate our bodies. I’ll try and keep pure religious stuff there but you’ll see Yeshua and references to The Almighty Living Elohim who provided these show up more often. 

I also want my brothers and sisters chased from Church because of their Cannabis use to return to G-d.  Time is getting short. 

How hemp is slowly becoming the new tobacco for Kentucky farmers

“Hemp” still considered ‘cousin’ of “Majihuana” even though both are Cannabis Sativa L.. Its becoming the new “tobacco”.  At least The Cannabist points out that Kentucky was normally growing this back in the 1700’s even.  It was #1 cash crop! Still is! 

How hemp is slowly becoming the new tobacco for Kentucky farmers

Kentucky Farmers Give Hemp a Chance | CMO Strategy – AdAge

This article cracked me up a bit..  Giving hemp a chance? Really? Before it became illegal Kentucky was #1 at growing hemp with Missouri #2.  Wonder why they are surpassing Oregon?  As they know better it was one of their cash crops!  #1 actually so duh let’s get our money back! 
Kentucky Farmers Give Hemp a Chance | CMO Strategy – AdAge

Cannabis Roots | Sensi Seeds – Getting down to the roots of cannabis

As a normal day I was in my mediation of thought of how were provided for.

Then of how much we are blessed by natural medicine and cannabis chief of herbs. Root of many things are opposite or complementary in effect and composition on a biological level.  This is why many natural medicine users go with Whole foods rather than just part.

What’s cannabis got in its roots? Looks like Sensi Seeds has already looked into this, with nice detailed results.

Cannabis and Parasites, “another possible benefit” – As its been used for thousands of years! 

Wow, the reaction of Cannabis vs Parasites is rediscovered!  What our great grandparents knew as medicine comes as ‘another possible Clinical Benefit’, per ‘The Motley Fool’.

I wasn’t shocked to see it as I browsed the article.  As Cannabis has been known to stop bacteria, micro-organisms, and parasites already! Its been used for that.  Still can be if we’ll work together and push it back into Medicine where it belongs!

Article seemed pretty nice and Genuine, then they got this pretty sweet pic of a guy with his outside harvest.

See the link below for their whole story.


Did marijuana just add to its growing list of diseases and disorders that it could potentially treat? You be the judge.

Source: Chalk Up Another Possible Clinical Benefit for Marijuana — The Motley Fool